RBI Assistant Exam Pattern 2023: The RBI Assistant Exam Pattern 2023 for both Prelims and Mains is crucial for candidates preparing for the Reserve Bank of India Assistant Examination. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the RBI Assistant Exam Pattern, including key details such as the types and number of questions. Stay well-informed to excel in the upcoming RBI Assistant Exam.
RBI Assistant 2023 is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection to select eligible candidates for the post of Assistant. The selection process includes three phases:
1. Online Preliminary Exam Pattern
Screening exam to filter out candidates.
Three sections: English, Reasoning, and Mathematics.
100 questions in total.
Time limit of 60 minutes.
Penalty of 0.25 marks for incorrect answers.
Questions are of Objective type.
Prelims marks are not considered for the final merit list.
Preliminary Exam Sectional Details:
Name of Tests (Objective)
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
Total Time
English Language
20 minutes
Numerical Ability
20 minutes
Reasoning Ability
20 minutes
60 minutes
2. Mains Exam Pattern
Scoring and merit deciding exam.
Five sections: English, Reasoning, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, and Mathematics.
200 questions in total.
Total time duration of 135 minutes.
Penalty for incorrect answers (-0.25 marks).
Main exam marks are considered for the merit list.
Candidates who qualify in the Mains proceed to the Language Proficiency Test (LPT).